Beset by external and internal troubles, the headquarters had no choice but to take the pragmatic step of contacting Soviet Russia. 内外交困的广州大本营,不能不做现实考虑,与苏俄接触。
As for hard power, News International has not even handled its internal troubles decisively. 就硬实力而言,新闻国际甚至未能果断处理内部麻烦。
In the face of such internal and external "troubles", youths like us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do. 面对着“内忧外患”,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。
Internal Security Troubles in Northeast India 印度东北地区国内安全问题
Too much computation and too big internal storage to be used are the main troubles we face in the iterative inversion of wave equation. 计算量及计算机内存量过大是波动方程迭代反演中所面临的主要困难之一。
How to react to the present "internal and external troubles" in its marketing channels has become a hot spot in the industry. 如何应对家电行业营销渠道目前的“内忧外患”,已成为中国家电行业的热点问题。
Then we can have a true understanding about the internal and external troubles that the public library facing. 惟如此,才能更为真实地理解公共图书馆所面临的内、外双重困境。
Then, we elaborated the present SMEs financing situations in China, and analysed the reasons both from internal environment view and from external environment view, and finally figured out the source of all the problems are the credit troubles facing by SMEs in China. 接着,对我国中小企业的融资状况进行了比较详细的阐述,并从我国中小企业面临的内外环境分析了其原因,指出根源在于中小企业的信用困境。
After the Peace Treaty of 1901, in the face of internal and external "troubles", the Qing government pursued a new policy. 《辛丑条约》签订以后,内外交困的清政府开始推行新政。
Internal troubles in the face of foreign aggression, save the pursuit of wealth for strong concern for the fate of many common aspiration of the advanced scholar. 在外患内忧面前,救亡图存、求富求强成为许多忧国忧民先进士人的共同愿望。